Saturday, July 23, 2005

Al Talasem - Ilia Abu-Mady

I love this poem soooooo much. Well I'm not THAT confused really, but I have beautiful memories with it. My friend and I liked it soo much when we were at school and we started a project of translating it into English when we were in preparatory stage (which of course didn't get completed since we were just kids :P but yakfiena sharaf al mo7awla :D). Also there's a part where he starts talking about the sea, and you can always win me by mentioning my beloved sea anywhere ;)
This is only a small part of the poem which I found online, tasbiera keda till I look for the book I have somewhere over here.
جـِئـت لا أعـلم مـِن أيـن، و لكـنى أتـيـتُ
و لـقد أبــصرت قـُدامى طريقـاً فمـشـيت
و سـأبقـى ماشيـاً إن شِـئـْتُ هذا أم أَبـَيْتُ
كــيف جـِئـت ؟ كـيـف أبصـرت طريـقى
لسـت أدرى !
* * *
أجَـديــدٌ أم قـديـمٌ أنا فـى هــذا الـوجــود
هـل أنا حــرٌ طـليـقٌ أم أسـيـرٌ فى قيـود
هل أنا قائد نفسى فى حياتى أم أنا مـَقود
أتـمنـى أننــى أدرى و لكــن . . . . . .
لسـت أدرى !
* * *
و طريقى، ما طريقى؟ أطويل أم قصير؟
هـل أنا أصــعد أم أهـبـط فـيــه و أغــور
أأنـا السـائـر فى الـدرب أم الـدرب يسير
أم كـلانــا واقــف و الــدهــر يـجــرى
لسـت أدرى !
* * *
ليت شعرى و أنا فى عَالـَمِ الغيب الأمين
أتـــُرانــى كــنـت أدرى أنــنى فـيه دفيـن
و بـأنــِّى سوف أبــدو و بـأنــِّى سـأكـون
أم تـــُرانـى كـــنــت لا أدرى شــيــئــاً ؟
لسـت أدرى !
* * *
أتــُرانـى قـبـلمـا أصـبحت إنسانــاً سويــا
أتــُرانـى كنت محواً أم تـُرانى كنت شيـَّا
ألِــهـذا اللــُّغز حـَلٌّ أم ســيــبــقى أبــديــا
لسـت أدرى . . . . و لِماذا لسـت أدرى
لسـت أدرى !


Blogger Hashim said...

This man is not confused, but he doesn't know the reasons for his exustance in life. He doesn't know why he is here, and who make him her.
So i hope that you review his words to know that those words arn't the words which Muslim should think about or belive. We are here because Allah create us. and we have one mission.
بس الله الرحمن الرحيم «و ما خلقت الجن والانس ﺇلاَّ ليعبدون.
i hope that you got my point of view

3:17 PM  
Blogger Katara said...

Thanks for your reply, but I have a few comments on your words:

"i hope that you review his words to know that those words arn't the words which Muslim should think about or belive"

First: The guy didn't mention anything that is to be 'believed'. He is just giving out one question after the other, not reaching a single answer (which means that he is confused as I'd mentioned).

Second: I see no problem with 'thinking about' a certain issue or questioning it. Why should we imprison our minds, not letting them think or even wonder? The first step in searching for the truth is asking questions, which will then lead you to searching for the answers, thus leading you to reach the truth if you are truely sincere.

Third: Truely the ideal answer for the question of why we were created is to worship ALLAH as mentioned in the Qur'an. I definitely believe in this. The question is how. I am not talking here about prayers and zikr and fasting and such acts only. I believe that each and every one of us has a role in life, some sort of a responsibility towards serving a certain goal or purpose. Fullfilling that role or responsibility with sincerity and having in your heart the 'neyya' that you are doing this for ALLAH is also a '3ebada'. So the general question of why we were created might indeed be answered in Qur'an, but I believe it's the responsibility of each and every one of us to find out his own role and fullfill it. So indeed questioning does help.

Fourth: This is not all that there is for that poem. The rest of it talks about nature. So the best parts are still to come, except that I don't have the time to search for that book.

Fifth: This is a poem not an autobiography, so just because I'm narrating it doesn't mean I agree with every word mentioned there.

1:09 PM  

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