Sunday, July 17, 2005

Constructive and Destructive Energies

Some colors are considered additive, while others are considered subtractive. Put Red, Green and Blue together and they give you white, the color of Purity, while if you put Cyan, Magenta and Yellow together, they give you black, the color of darkness. I am not sure what the explanation could be behind that, but I guess the aswer could lie in the energies asociated with each color.
Somehow I guess there might be a similar phenomenon in people. Some people can add to you energy, while others subtract from it. Some can get out the best in you, whle others can bering out the worst. Likewise, you can be the reason for bringing out the best in people or the worst in them. In both cases you are exactly the same person, the same mentality and the same character, yet there is a difference that you can't see, but can feel. May be some people's energies when combined together can have a constructive positive effect, leading to increased positive enerrgy for all those involved, while another combination of people's energies could have a destructive impact on each other, subtracting from each others' energies resulting in the generation of negative energy for all!!
I know I'm sounding weird and all. I dunno why that energies stories popped to my head all of a sudden and I thought of publishing it although I know it might not make much sense.
Anyways.. I guess the conclusion I draw from those confusing thoughts in my head, and which is more likely to be human readable and understandable is that the story is all about mixing and matching. It's not only about being who you are and being able to increase your own positive energy, but also you need to be with the people for whom you energy can have a constructive effect and who you can help get the best in them and who can add up to your own energy and help get the best in you.


Blogger Rain said...

Mmm.. well ur words make sense to me.
I had a similar thought , concerning colors.. I was wondering about the reasons for making some colors match and get along in harmony while others don't!!! u may change the shade of a color a bit and this may make it match with the same color it didn’t match with before or vice versa..and some colors don't match AT ALL no matter how u change the shades.
And yes, some ppl definitely bring out the best in u, and others bring the worst…but the thing is.., in the end , u r still the same person, meaning u have the responsibility for letting urself be positive or negative, and we shouldn’t use others as excuses or reasons for our behaviors ..

4:48 AM  

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