If there is magic on the planet, it is contained in the water.- Loren Eisley
When time comes for us to again rejoin the infinite stream of waterflowing to and from the great timeless ocean, our little droplet of soulful water will once again flow with the endless stream.- William E. Marks,
The Holy Order Of WaterOur bodies are molded rivers.- Novalis
Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.- John Updike
...Yes, as every one knows, meditation and water are wedded forever.- Herman Melville, Moby Dick
The many-voiced song of the river echoed softly. Siddhartha lookedinto the river and saw many pictures in the flowing water. The river'svoice was sorrowful. It sang with yearning and sadness, flowing towardsits goal ... Siddhartha was now listening intently...to this song of athousand voices ... then the great song of a thousand voices consisted ofone word: Om -- Perfection ... From that hour Siddhartha ceased to fightagainst his destiny- Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
Water is the driver of Nature.- Leonardo da Vinci
Truths are first clouds; then rain, then harvest and food. - Henry Ward Beecher
If you gave me several million years, there would be nothingthat did not grow in beauty if it were surrounded by water. - Jan Erik Vold, What All The World Knows
The trees reflected in the river -- they are unconscious of a spiritual world so near to them. So are we. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Everywhere water is a thing of beauty gleaming in the dewdrop, singing in the summer rain.- John Ballantine Gough
Keeping in touch with childhood memories keeps us believing in life’s simplest pleasures like a rainy afternoon, a swingset, and a giant puddle to play in.- Chrissy Ogden
A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself - for it is from the soil, both from its depth and from its surface, that a river has its beginning. - Laura Gilpin
Soften my heart,
O God of living waters,
that the shower of ScriptureI am about to readmay enrich the soil of my soul.
Rain down your wisdomin sacred streamsto carry me like an upturned leafthrough the currents of this gray day.
- Edward Hays, Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. - Taoist proverb
According to Democritus, truth lies at the bottom of a well, the waterof which serves as a mirror in which objects may be reflected. I haveheard, however, that some philosophers, in seeking for truth, to payhomage to her, have seen their own image and adored it instead.- Charles Richter
Constant dripping hollows out a stone.- Lucretius
It is a fascinating and provocative thought that a body of water deserves to be considered as an organism in its own right.- Lyall Watson, Supernature
I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain; What a wonderful feeling, I'm happy again.- Arthur Freed
What runs but never gets tired? Water.
Expect poison from the standing water. - William Blake (??!)
I have never seen a river that I could not love. Moving water . . . has a fascinating vitality. It has power and grace and associations. It has a thousand colors and a thousand shapes, yet it follows laws so definite that the tiniest streamlet is an exact replica of a great river.- Roderick Haig-Brown
When oxygen and hydrogen find one another, their joining produces fiery passion. Out of this fire, water is born. Quaint Victorian chemistry gives us an image of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms in a fixed molecule that bounces around from place to place. The reality of water is not so orderly. The hydrogen atoms are notowned by any particular oxygen atom. Water is a substance very much in love with itself, and the atoms connect in webs and clusters where oxygen shares around the hydrogen atoms freely, a fluid situation indeed. - Ian D. Anderson, Ian Lurking Bear
A lake carries you into recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable. ~William Wordsworth
A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. ~Henry David Thoreau
The sea pronounces something, over and over, in a hoarse whisper; I cannot quite make it out. ~Annie Dillard
The true peace of God begins at any spot a thousand miles from the nearest land. ~Joseph ConradNever a ship sails out of the bayBut carries my heart as a stowaway.~Roselle Mercier Montgomery,
Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war. ~Loren Eiseley
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),It's always our self we find in the sea.~e.e. cummings
The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen
Though inland far we be,Our souls have sight of that immortal seaWhich brought us hither.~William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality
I find myself at the extremity of a long beach. How gladly does the spirit leap forth, and suddenly enlarge its sense of being to the full extent of the broad, blue, sunny deep! A greeting and a homage to the Sea! I descend over its margin, and dip my hand into the wave that meets me, and bathe my brow. That far-resounding roar is the Ocean's voice of welcome. His salt breath brings a blessing along with it. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne,
Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think. ~Robert Henri
Man is not an aquatic animal, but from the time we stand in youthful wonder beside a Spring brook till we sit in old age and watch the endless roll of the sea, we feel a strong kinship with the waters of this world.- Hal Borland, Sundial of the Seasons
Next to blood relationships, come water relationships.- Stanley Crawford, Mayordomo
To trace the history of a river . . . is to trace the history of the soul,the history of the mind descending and arising in the body.- Gretel Ehrlich
When you hear the splash Of the water drops that fall Into the stone bowl You will feel that all the dust Of your mind is washed away. -
Sen-No-RikyuIt is water, in every form and at every scale, that saturates the mind.All the water that will ever be is, right now. - National Geographic, October 1993
For keenest enjoyment, I visit when the dew is on them,or in cloudy weather, or when the rain is falling:and I must be alone or with someone who cares for them as I do.- David Fairchild
For keenest enjoyment, I visit when the dew is on them,or in cloudy weather, or when the rain is falling:and I must be alone or with someone who cares for them as I do.- David Fairchild
Any river is really the summation of the whole valley. To think of it as nothing but water is to ignore the greater part.Hal Borland, This Hill, This Valley
Rivers are magnets for the imagination, for conscious ponderingand subconscious dreams, thrills, fears. People stare into the moving water, captivated, as they are when gazing into a fire. What is it that draws and holds us? The rivers' reflections of our lives and experiences are endless . . .- Tim Palmer, Lifelines
The sound of the watersays what I think.- Chuang Tzu
The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.- Lucretius
We call upon the waters that rim the earth, horizon to horizon, that flow in our rivers and streams, that fall upon our gardens and fields, and we ask that they teach usand show us the way.- Chinook Indian Blessing
Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it. -Lao Tzu quotes