Friday, April 07, 2006

Quotes From Still Breathing

Rosalyn Willoughby: There are two things I always wanted to believe in but didn't dare. One is that there was one man, somewhere, who was made just for me. The other is that I just might deserve him.

Fletcher McBracken: I have this terribly archaic notion that art should be about beauty... and passion... and, well, redefining an imperfect world in a perfect way.

Ida, Fletcher's Grand Mother: I know. It's more of a curse than a blessing.
Rosalyn Willoughby: What?
Ida, Fletcher's Grand Mother: Being smart and what people call beautiful. I'm not bragging, but in my day I was considered quite a catch. I don't think I ever met a man I felt could outsmart me - out-think me. How those silly creatures did bore me. Oh, it does cause quite a fuss, that combination: smart and beautiful. But it's mostly in your own gut. See, the problem is, you stop believing that he *could* be out there waiting for you.
Rosalyn Willoughby: Who?
Ida, Fletcher's Grand Mother: Your true love.


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