Monday, April 03, 2006

The laws of love

I went sailing in the blogsphere where I came across this in La Perfuma De La Rose blog. Although I don't like the word "Laws" connected in any way to the word "Love", I do like what is being said.

From 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People:
The Laws of Love & the Laws of Life
When we make deposits of unconditional love, when we live the primary laws of love, we encourage others to live primary laws of life. In other words, when we truly love others without condition, without strings, we help them feel secure and safe and validated and affirmed in their essential worth, identity, and integrity. Their natural growth process is encouraged. We make it easier for them to live the laws of life - cooperation, contribution, self discipline, integrity-and to discover and live true to the highest and best within them. We give them the freedom to act on their own inner imperatives rather than react to our conditions and limitations. This does not mean we become permissive or soft. That itself is a massive withdrawel. We council, we plead, we set limits and consequences. But love, regardless.
When we violate the primary laws of love - when we attach strings and conditions to that gift we actually encourage others to violate the primary laws of life. We put them in a reactive, defensive position where they feel they have to prove "I matter as a person, independent of you". In reality, they aren't independent. they are counter-dependent, which is another form of dependency and is at the lowest end of the Maturity Continuum. They become reactive, almost enemy-centered, more concerned about defending their 'rights' and producing evidence of their individuality than they are about proactively listening to and honoring their own inner imperatives. Rebellion is a knot of the heart, not of the mind. The key is to make deposits - constant deposits of Unconditional Love.


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